You want a guest to immediately think “I’m in the right place! Let me check out more!”


The three questions your Homepage should answer:

How Long Should Your Homepage Be?

The simple answer is: as long as it needs to be! There’s no "one size fits all" answer for page length. Some people see good results with simple full-screen slideshows. Others perform best with a long, scrolling, “one-page” feel that puts their most important information up front. Experimentation is your best tool for discovering exactly what your target market wants to see – and how much of it. 

Start with a large, beautiful image (or several in a slideshow) and a to-the-point headline about your business. This lets people know they’re in the right place and entices them to see more. Other options to include are: images that link to deeper pages within your site, FX banners to add interest and break up the page, collages, sign-up forms, and text blocks that add vital searchable text. 


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